Simply Writing Together

7-9 pm Thursday evenings at

Upside Brew in Clifton

329 Ludlow Ave

Cincinnati, OH 45220

Don’t want to write, but want to have written? CWG makes the sometimes solitary practice of writing communal and joyful. Come all you poets, playwrights, screenwriters, novelists, essayists! Writers of any kind are welcome!

Cincinnati Writers Group is a supportive community that encourages and assists each other as writers in our creative projects.

Sign up for the latest news and updates here:

Cincinnati Writers Group uses the pomodoro technique to motivate writers to get words onto the page quickly and effortlessly through several 20 minute writing sprints. You will walk away from a CWG session with new pages ready to revise & edit, having met other writers.

Future events involve critique sessions. Please email Hal Carlton-Ford for details.

Happy writing!